FEATURES AND RANGE OF USE                                            

    COLOURING PASTES are concentrated pastes with a base of micronized oxides and high resistance pigments. They offer a high light-resistance and they are compatible with waterpaint, plastics, general lime products, silicates. 



    COLOURING PASTES can be used with any type of waterpaint or plastic coatings. They are compatible with lime too, with products having base of lime, silicates. To obtain the desired effect, its necessary to follow the colour fan's formulations. In case of a personal colour, not exceed in recommended percentage colorant's in order to avert coating and stability's problem of product. COLOURING PASTES are ready to use and can be applied on any outdoor and indoor surfaces. Clean all tools with water immediately after use.


    TECHNICAL DATA                          METHOD                                                  PRINCIPAL DATES AT 20 C° AND 60 C° H.R.      

    Aspect and finish


    BVL 030 (UNI 9389)




    BVL 007 (UNI 8910)

    1.54 ÷ 1.850

    Viscosity Brookfield cps 


    BVL 021 (UNI ASTM D 2196)

    Max 15000

    Inflammability point C°


    BVL 046 (UNI 8906)

    Not inflammable

    Percentage of solids (% in weight)


    BVL 027 (UNI 8906)

    50 ± 1/1

    Stockage (in a fresh and dry place)


    BVL 064 (UNI 10154)

    at least 36 months



    COLOURING PASTES come in 1 kg and 5 kg drums in the following colours: orange oxide, white oxide, yellow oxide, black oxide, red oxide, green oxide, blue everlast, red ecopaque, yellow titanate.

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